Description of SBL Absinthium :-
Causes & Symptoms for SBL AbsinthiumAbsinthium is a suitable remedy for nervous excitement and sleeplessness. Nervousness, excitement and sleeplessness especially in children. Memory is weak, forgets what has recently happened. There is confusion of mind. Pain at the back of the head is well relieved by Absinthium. It is indicated for Hallucinations with fearful visions. Absinthium is also a remedy for kleptomania-condition of irresistable urge to collect or hoard things or compelling to steal things. Absinthium is also useful in hysterical spasms.Giddiness with delirium also come within the range of Absinthium. Sudden and severe giddiness, delirium with hallucinations and loss of consiousness. There is a tendency to fall backward.MindForgets what has recently happened.Insane, idiotic, brutal.Absinthium is indicated for Frightful visions and terrifying hallucinations.HeadVertigo, when she rises up, tendency to fall backward.Confusion in head, Headache is well relieved by Absinthium.Absinthium is indicated for Congestion of the brain and spinal cord.EyesAbsinthium relieves pain in the eyes, Itching, Lids heavy.EarsAbsinthium is helpful in Otorrhoea, especially after hemicrania.MouthJaws firmly fixed, Bites his tonguein fits indicates Absinthium.Tongue thick, protruding, can scarcely talk, Tongue trembling, feels numb can be well checked by Absinthium.ThroatScalded feeling in the throat can be relieved by Absinthium.StomachLoss of appetite, loathing of food.Stomach feels cold and oppressed.Absinthium is useful in Eructations, nausea, vomiting.Nausea, apparently in region of gall bladder.It relieves Uncomfortable, irritated feeling of stomach.AbdomenLiver feels swollen.Pain in spleen, it feels swollen is relieved by it.Bloated around waist and in abdomen, Immense accumulation of flatulence in abdomen, wind colic can be relieved by this remedy.Urinary OrgansAbsinthium is indicated in complaint of Constant desire to urinate.Urine deep orange, of a strong smell, like horses urine indicates this remedy.Female Sexual OrgansPains in uterus, Darting pain in right ovary is relieved by Absinthium.Respiratory OrgansAbsinthium is useful in Cough with liver complaint.HeartTremor of the heart felt toward the back.Heart thumps, can be heard in scapular region.GeneralitiesFeet very cold.Falling down, as in fits, unconscious, with distortion of the features, followed by spasms of the body and limbs, bloody foam at mouth, and biting of the tongue, stupidity and loss of memory afterward calls for Absinthium.Absinthium is useful in grinding teeth, followed by stupor.Numbness of inner organs.
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